Aggravated Assault Under N.J.S.A. 2C:12-1(b)(10)

Count of this indictment charges the defendant with the crime of aggravated assault.


The applicable statute provides, in pertinent part, that:

A person is guilty of aggravated assault if he … (k)nowingly points, displays or uses an imitation firearm … at or in the direction of a law enforcement officer with the purpose to intimidate, threaten or attempt to put the officer in fear of bodily injury or for any unlawful purpose.

In order for you to find the defendant guilty, the State must prove each of the following elements beyond a reasonable doubt:

1. that the defendant knowingly pointed, displayed or used an imitation firearm at or in the direction of a law enforcement officer;

2. that the defendant knew that the person was a law enforcement officer; and

3. that the defendant acted with the purpose to intimidate, threaten or attempt to put the officer in fear of bodily injury or for any unlawful purpose.