What Are The Long-term Consequences of A DUI Conviction in NJ?

It’s a mistake to think you can handle being convicted of DUI in New Jersey. If your record is clean, you probably won’t go to jail just for drinking and driving. But there’s more to it. A DUI conviction can have years of negative impact on your life. Some people never get their lives back on track after a New Jersey DUI conviction.

A DUI conviction can have long-lasting adverse effects that are personal, vocational, and professional. A drunk driving conviction in New Jersey stays on your record. Many companies, governmental agencies, and other organizations have policies to reject applicants who have had a DWI conviction. Fair or not, there will likely be things you want to do in life that will never happen if you have a DUI on your record.

It is crucial to have an experienced defense attorney represent you if you have been charged with driving under the influence or a related offense. At The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall, our experienced attorneys recognize that people make mistakes. If you’re facing a DUI charge in New Jersey, a New Jersey DUI lawyer can help you keep a conviction from disrupting your life and adversely affecting your future.

Contact us for a free consultation and experienced legal help today. We defend clients who are facing DUI charges and the potential long-term DUI consequences in New Jersey.

Get Help with Your Case 877-328-0980


Immediate DUI Penalties in New Jersey

New Jersey has some of the strongest DUI penalties in the nation. For a first conviction, you could receive:

With a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 to 0.09 percent:

  • Up to 30 days in jail
  • 90-day driver’s license suspension
  • DUI conviction penalties of $250-$400
  • Court fees
  • Mandatory use of an ignition interlock device(IID) for 3 months at a cost of $230
  • 12 to 48 hours of classes at the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center at a cost of $230
  • Annual surcharge of $1,000 for 3 years
  • $100 to N.J. Drunk Driving Enforcement Fund (DDEF)
  • $100 to N.J. Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Fund (AERF)
  • $75 to Neighborhood Services Fund

With a BAC of 0.10 percent or more:

  • Up to 30 days in jail
  • 7 months to 1-year driver’s license suspension
  • DUI fines of $300-$500
  • Court fees up to $33
  • Mandatory use of ignition interlock device (IID) for 3 months at a cost of $230
  • 12 to 48 hours of classes at the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center over two consecutive days at a cost of $230
  • Annual surcharge of $1,000 for 3 years
  • $100 to N.J. Drunk Driving Enforcement Fund (DDEF)
  • $100 to N.J. Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Fund (AERF)
  • $75 to Neighborhood Services Fund

BAC 0.15% or greater: all of the above, with ignition interlock device during license suspension and 6 months to 1 year following restoration of driving privileges.

In New Jersey, there is no provision for expungement of DUIs from your driver record because DUI is classified as a traffic offense and not a crime. In other words, a DUI stays on your driving record and will be available when agencies and prospective employers conduct background checks.

The Ripple Effects: How a DUI Can Impact Your Life for Years

Penalties levied by the State of New Jersey for a first DUI offense are just the start. You can also expect:

Skyrocketing Insurance Rates: In New Jersey, a DUI conviction will increase your yearly auto insurance premiums by an average of $1,181, according to an online insurance broker, The Zebra. That’s 7% more than the national average rate hike after a DUI.

Career Obstacles: Any company can make it a policy not to hire applicants who have a DUI on their record. An individual convicted of drunk driving should not expect to be hired as:

A driver of any kind, such as:

  • Uber/Lyft
  • Taxi diver
  • Long-haul trucker
  • Bus driver
  • Train engineer
  • Delivery driver
  • Heavy equipment operator

Any profession requiring a license, such as:

  • Physician
  • Nurse
  • Home health / personal care aide
  • Teacher
  • Daycare worker
  • Real estate agent
  • Insurance agent
  • Lawyer
  • Banker
  • Pharmacist
  • Accountant
  • Law enforcement officers
  • Military service
  • Any job involving highly confidential information or requiring a security clearance.

Restricted Travel: International travel could be adversely affected by a DUI conviction. For example, you’ll generally be barred from entering Canada if you’ve been convicted of driving while impaired. Most countries allow people with DUIs to enter unless the offense was a felony that resulted in jail time.

Reputational Damage: Many people will excuse a single blot on your record, but you never know when you’ll run into someone whose standards are so strict that a one-time DUI weighs against you. A DUI could cause a potential landlord to close the door, end a promising social relationship, cost you a job promotion, or put an end to other opportunities.

Strained Family Dynamics: We’ve seen DUIs cause tension within families over the financial burden, as well as due to an erosion of trust, especially when the defendant had caretaking duties for children.

Mental and Emotional Toll: The cumulative impact of a DWI conviction, from high insurance costs and other penalties to loss of employment and family connections, can take a toll.

The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall team

Contact Our DUI Defense Attorneys Today

A lapse in judgment that often leads to first-time DUI arrests can have a long-term negative impact. If you face a DUI charge in New Jersey, turn to The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall for experienced legal guidance. Our legal team includes veteran New Jersey DUI defense attorneys who have won cases with the best DUI defense strategies available under N.J. law.

Get Help with Your Case 877-328-0980

Contact a DUI attorney in New Jersey today for help navigating the complex New Jersey judicial system to avoid or minimize the long-term impact of a DUI charge.