Category: DUI / Drunk Driving

| DUI / Drunk Driving

How Often is a DWI Dismissed in New Jersey?

March 2, 2023

Most DWI traffic stops lead to a DWI going on the driver’s record. A DWI conviction does not count as a criminal conviction, but it stays on your driving record for 10 years if you do not get any subsequent DWIs, and even longer if you do. Just because a...

| DUI / Drunk Driving

How Does a DUI Affect Your Career?

April 7, 2022

A series of poor choices resulting in a DUI or DWI can have long-lasting effects on a person’s life, even if the negligent actions are not a fair representation of the person.  Unfortunately, a wider snapshot of someone’s life isn’t always taken into account when considering employability wit

| DUI / Drunk Driving

NJ Judges: Sleeping Drunk Is Driving Drunk

March 13, 2020

A person who decides to sleep in their car after having had too much to drink can be convicted of drunk driving in New Jersey if the vehicle’s engine is running, an N.J. appellate court has ruled. “The court noted that the state’s DWI statute never mentions the word ‘driving’...