After receiving traffic tickets, many people think they should pay the fine and move on. But this can be a costly mistake depending on the seriousness of the charges. You can deal with a minor traffic ticket on your own, but without a dismissal, you may suffer long-term consequences to your driving record.
It is better to have the guidance of an experienced attorney when facing legal matters. If you have received a traffic ticket in New Jersey, a traffic violation defense attorney with the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall can help you understand the appropriate steps to take.
Call 877-328-0980 or fill out our online form for a free consultation with one of our experienced New Jersey traffic ticket lawyers today.
Benefits of Hiring a Traffic Ticket Attorney in New Jersey
An experienced New Jersey traffic violation attorney knows what is possible from a legal standpoint when handling a traffic ticket case. Hire an attorney from the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall and benefit from:
- Knowledge of the Law and Representation in Court. Most people don’t really know how to contest a traffic ticket in New Jersey. They show up in municipal court, and the prosecutor or a public defender tells them where to stand and what to do. You’ll do better in court accompanied by an attorney who is there to protect your rights.
- Negotiation Skills. Prosecutors have a lot of leeway when handling traffic tickets. When you’re represented by an attorney whom the prosecutor regularly deals with, the prosecutor is more likely to listen and consider valid arguments for dismissing or reducing charges.
- Potential to Maintain a Clean Record. If you have an attorney and a clean record, you have the potential to have a ticket dismissed. An attorney can negotiate deals that you cannot on your own.
- Avoid Points on Your License. When it proves to be impossible to have a traffic ticket dismissed, the next step is to have the charge reduced, such as to an offense that does not add points to your driver’s license. Too many points on your license can lead to additional court fines and fees, surcharges, license suspension, and higher insurance premiums. An attorney who understands the traffic ticket charges and the options the prosecutor has to reduce or defer the charges can make something positive happen for you.
- Alternative Penalties. If you have a clean record, an attorney may be able to arrange Conditional Discharge, a New Jersey probation program, to conclude a traffic case. Once you complete the probation period without another ticket and you pay any fines and court costs, the original charge is removed from your record.
- Better Outcomes. When an attorney from the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall represents you, our first objective is to have your case dismissed. If you have to go to court, you’ll go with a solid defense strategy designed to secure the best possible results for you. Engaging an attorney reflects a proactive approach to your case and its outcome.
- Save Money in the Long Run. At a free initial consultation, we can discuss our fees and what you potentially face from the municipal court. Avoiding a conviction, if possible, will save you money on potential fines, fees, surcharges, and higher insurance premiums.
- In the best-case scenario, the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall can dispose of your traffic ticket without you having to go to the courthouse. If you must go to court, our attorneys will explain to you exactly what to expect. We don’t look to have cases continued without good reason. We are available to handle your traffic ticket quickly and as effectively as possible so you can move on.
Most Frequently Asked Questions About Traffic Violations
Can I just pay my ticket and not go to court in NJ?
If the ticket does not require a court appearance, you can go to and pay the fine with a credit card. You may also call to arrange to pay by check or cash directly at the courthouse. You can look up the amount due on the Violations Bureau Schedule.
Do I need to go to court for a speeding ticket in NJ?
If you get a speeding ticket, you do not necessarily have to go to court. Only higher violations result in mandatory court dates. However, to get a ticket dismissed, you have to persuade a prosecutor or a judge of the reasons for a dismissal. A traffic defense attorney can represent you and discuss whether it’s advantageous for you to go to court. To get a “not guilty” verdict, you must go to court.
How do I get a ticket dismissed in NJ?
To get a traffic ticket dismissed, you must persuade a prosecutor or a judge to do so. An experienced defense attorney can review the circumstances of your traffic ticket and discuss whether a ticket dismissal is plausible in your case.
How long do points stay on your license in NJ?
If you don’t have any more violations or suspensions, you can get three points removed from your license each year. It is also possible to complete driving improvement and defensive driving courses to have additional points removed.
How long do traffic tickets stay on your record in NJ?
If you are convicted, a traffic ticket becomes a permanent part of your Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) record.
How long do tickets affect insurance in NJ?
Typically, a speeding ticket will lead to increased insurance premiums for three to five years. Its impact will depend on insurance company policies and the severity of the violation.
Can you pay to remove points from a driver’s license in NJ?
No, you cannot pay to remove points from a driver’s license in New Jersey.
Let Our Experienced Traffic Violation Lawyer Fight for You
If you have received a traffic ticket or been charged with a more serious traffic offense in New Jersey, there are opportunities to minimize the impact on your driving record and avoid the loss of your driver’s license. An initial legal consultation with a lawyer from the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall at any of our nine locations across New Jersey is always free.
Call Us For A Free Consultation 877-328-0980