
| DUI / Drunk Driving

How Often is a DWI Dismissed in New Jersey?

March 2, 2023

Most DWI traffic stops lead to a DWI going on the driver’s record. A DWI conviction does not count as a criminal conviction, but it stays on your driving record for 10 years if you do not get any subsequent DWIs, and even longer if you do. Just because a...

| Robbery

Castle Doctrine and Self-Defense Laws in New Jersey

January 26, 2023

Amid recent reports of home invasion assaults and robberies in New Jersey, some citizens ask whether New Jersey has a Stand Your Ground” law that allows the use of deadly force to fight criminals intent on doing harm. The answer is that New Jersey has not adopted specific “Stand Your...

| Criminal Defense Attorneys

Understanding Affirmative Defense in Criminal Law

January 17, 2023

When an individual has been charged with a criminal offense, it is typically the obligation of the state, through a district attorney or prosecutor, to prove the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. This normally requires producing evidence that a criminal act took place and the individual

| Expungements

What Crimes Can and Can’t Be Expunged in New Jersey?

January 5, 2023

If you have exactly one criminal conviction on your record, then the events that led up to that conviction are probably your biggest regret. Even though the arrest happened when you were so much younger than the version of you that committed the crime is almost unrecognizable to your current...