
| Sex Crimes

Impact of Sex Crime Conviction on Personal and Professional Life

March 20, 2023

For most people, few things are more off-putting than finding out that someone you are dealing with is a convicted sex offender. Sex crimes are considered to be among the most harmful intrusions into another person’s life. New Jersey imposes punishments for sex crime charges that include lifetime

| DUI / Drunk Driving

How Often is a DWI Dismissed in New Jersey?

March 2, 2023

Most DWI traffic stops lead to a DWI going on the driver’s record. A DWI conviction does not count as a criminal conviction, but it stays on your driving record for 10 years if you do not get any subsequent DWIs, and even longer if you do. Just because a...

| Criminal Defense Attorneys

Understanding Affirmative Defense in Criminal Law

January 17, 2023

When an individual has been charged with a criminal offense, it is typically the obligation of the state, through a district attorney or prosecutor, to prove the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. This normally requires producing evidence that a criminal act took place and the individual