Examples of Bribery
November 14, 2022

Bribery is a crime in which all parties involved may be charged. Bribery refers to offering, giving, soliciting, or receiving any item of value as a means of influencing the actions of an individual holding a public office or a position with a legal duty. The person who offers a...
What Is the Difference Between a Bench Warrant and an Arrest Warrant?
September 29, 2022

An arrest warrant is a legal document that directs and authorizes police to take a crime suspect into custody. If you have been arrested, the existence of a warrant is a good thing. It states the reason you were arrested and what you are to be charged with in writing....
How Long Does a DWI/DUI Stay on Your Record in New Jersey?
September 14, 2022

If you have moved to New Jersey from another state, you may have noticed that our state laws differ from the laws of other states. For example, New Jersey has some of the most effective gun safety laws; consequently, its gun-related crime rate is much lower than the national average....
Common Criminal Offenses Committed in the Healthcare Industry
August 31, 2022

Every aspect of the healthcare industry has strict regulations, from continuing education for physicians to the physical conditions and staffing of healthcare facilities to patient privacy. Doctors and other healthcare workers are always on their guard to avoid violating regulations and being subj

When you think about how immature you were when you were 15, it is probably either funny or embarrassing. Think about what your plans for the future were when you were 15, if you had any, compared to what you are doing now. Even if you knew back then that...