NJ Judges: Sleeping Drunk Is Driving Drunk
March 13, 2020

A person who decides to sleep in their car after having had too much to drink can be convicted of drunk driving in New Jersey if the vehicle’s engine is running, an N.J. appellate court has ruled. “The court noted that the state’s DWI statute never mentions the word ‘driving’...
New Uber Safety Report Focuses on Murder, Sexual Misconduct
February 24, 2020

A report published in January under public pressure by ride-share service Uber says nine people have been murdered while using the transportation service (nearly half of them were Uber drivers) and the company received Uber crime reports of 3,045 sexual assaults during rides in the United States in
New Jersey Domestic Assault Charges
January 2, 2020
A common form of criminal offense is domestic assault. Police are called hundreds of times every day throughout New Jersey to investigate domestic disturbances that mushroom into charges for assault, as well as entry of a restraining order. The purpose of this article is to provide you with a basic.
Lunsford Act Penalties in New Jersey Child Sexual Abuse Cases
December 24, 2019
New Jersey has adopted its own version of the Lunsford Act. This law creates mandatory guidelines for plea bargaining and sentencing where the victim of sexual assault is under the age of thirteen (13). Prosecutors and judges are bound by these guidelines and are strictly prohibited from allowing ch
Aggravated Sexual Assault Charges Falling Under the Lunsford Act
October 7, 2019
New Jersey Criminal Defense Attorneys for Clients Charged With Aggravated Sexual Assault There are special plea and sentencing implications that are triggered when someone charged with a New Jersey aggravated sexual assault offense falls within the Jessica Lunsford Act. This law increased the punish