Table of Contents
West Deptford Municipal Court Information
Traffic Tickets in West Deptford
West Deptford Twp. Disorderly Persons Offense
Charged With DWI in West Deptford NJ
West Deptword Domestic Violence Charge
Arrested for a First, Second, Third or Fourth Degree Crime in West Deptford New Jersey
Directions to West Deptford Township Municipal Court
A lapse in judgment resulting in a DWI, traffic ticket or even criminal charge shouldn’t ruin a person’s life. If you’ve been charged with a crime, motor vehicle offense or other violation in West Deptford, you could lose your driver’s license and your freedom. Call the highly skilled defense lawyers at The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall to figure out how to win your case. We have decades of experience defending clients against DWI offenses, reckless driving citations, and simple assault charges in West Deptford Township Municipal Court and the rest of Gloucester County. Our firm’s impressive credentials include:
- Over 200 years of combined experience handling criminal, DWI and traffic cases in Gloucester County, West Deptford and elsewhere in New Jersey.
- A team of ten (10) criminal attorneys which makes us one of the largest firms in the state specializing in defense.
- Most of our lawyers have over 15 years experience and are former county or municipal prosecutors.
- Former head of Major Crimes, Drug Task Force, Special Operations, Juvenile Division and the Entire Trial Division.
- DWI department that is directed by one of a handful of attorneys statewide whose practice is dedicated exclusively to drunk driving and drugged driving cases.
- Litigators who are both Alcotest 7110 certified and in Standardized Field Sobriety Testing.
- Literally thousands of stories of success in defending criminal and serious traffic/motor vehicle offenses in courts like West Deptford Township Municipal Court and Gloucester County Superior Court.
The key to escaping a conviction for an offense in West Deptford is hiring the most talented lawyer that you can identify. We believe that the lawyers in our Gloucester County Law Office represent an excellent candidate in this regard. Call us at 856-818-4770 for a free consultation anytime 24/7
West Deptford NJ Simple Assault Lawyer
West Deptford Township is located in northern section of Gloucester County, NJ. The township has a growing population of more than 21,000 people. As the name suggests, the township was formed from portions of Deptford Township. West Deptford Township includes several unincorporated municipalities: Colonial Manor, Greenfields Village, Mantua Grove, Red Bank, Thorofare, and Verga.
The court’s main function is to accept complaints for filing: including criminal, local ordinance, and traffic violations. The only criminal cases that are heard at the local municipal court level are disorderly persons offenses and petty disorderly persons offenses. Indictable felony charges are processed in local municipal court before they are sent to Gloucester County Superior Court in Woodbury, New Jersey.
Other Helpful Links and Information about West Deptford NJ
- To learn more about West Deptford Township, check out the West Deptford Township website.
- The West Deptford Police Department can be reached at 856-845-4004, ext. 157. For more information about the West Deptford Police Department, visit the police department website.
- To find out general news and happenings in Gloucester County, go to the website.
Contact a West Deptford NJ Criminal Attorney for a Free Consultation
An arrest in West Deptford can have serious repercussions. Don’t risk trying to defend yourself against criminal or DWI charges in West Deptford, New Jersey, or at the Gloucester County Superior court without the benefit of an accomplished defense lawyer. Call The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall now to speak with an experienced attorney or to schedule a free, in-person consultation. A member of our team is ready to review the facts surrounding your charge and plot a course of action so that you avert the pitfalls of a conviction. Lawyers can be reached 24/7 at 856-818-4770.
Contact the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall, 38 Cooper Street, Suite 204, Woodbury NJ 08096, if you are facing charges such as simple assault, DWI, aggravated assault, terroristic threat, shoplifting, eluding, burglary, harassment, driving while suspended, bad checks, robbery, reckless driving, lewdness, theft by deception or credit card theft/fraud.
West Deptford Municipal Court Information
The West Deptford Municipal Court is located at 400 Crown Point Road in Thorofare Section of West Deptford, New Jersey. The court office is open Monday-Friday 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. You can contact the court office during those hours by dialing 856-845-4004, ext. 115 or 116.
- Guy Killen is the Judge.
- Kelly A. Conroy is the Prosecutor.
- Brenda Fama, CMCA, is the Court Administrator.
- Court Sessions: First & Third Tuesday (8AM, 11AM)
For further information on the West Deptford Township Municipal Court, view the official court website.
Traffic Tickets in West Deptford
The court calendar in West Deptford Municipal Court is covered with cases involving traffic violations. The range of charges resulting from a ticket or summons for motor vehicle offenses is almost limitless. There are, however, some traffic charges that arise more often along the 98 miles of roadway in the township, including on U.S. Route 295, the New Jersey Turnpike and local streets like Grove Avenue and Kings Highway. The greatest probability is that you are facing one of the following offenses:
- Careless driving
- Driving while suspended
- Speeding
- Reckless driving
- Driving without insurance
- Leaving the Scene of an Accident
- Possession of CDS in a Motor Vehicle
- Failure to Observe a Trafficking Safety Device
A motor vehicle summons can result in an assortment of penalties and collateral consequences in West Deptford. You will most definitely face a fine and points on your license if you are convicted of a moving violation. Some tickets can even result in a suspension of your driving privileges or, worse yet, jail time. Driving while suspended and without insurance certainly fall within this categorization. The truth is, however, that our attorneys can avoid a plea or finding of guilt in the vast majority of West Deptford traffic cases. It is therefore in your best interests to contact our firm for a consultation if you were issued a motor vehicle summons or ticket.
West Deptford Twp. Disorderly Persons Offense
West Deptford Municipal Court has limited jurisdiction that includes the authority to decide criminal charges falling within the category of a “disorderly persons offense”. These are violations that carry a maximum of six months in jail, no right to a jury trial, and are akin to a misdemeanor in other states. The most prevalent disorderly persons offenses handled in West Deptford are:
- Simple Assault
- Bad Check
- Lewdness
- Harassment
- Resisting Arrest
- Disorderly Conduct
- Shoplifting
- Obstructing the Administration of Law
- Theft
- Possession of Marijuana
- Drug Paraphernalia
Do not make the shortsighted mistake of attempting to defend a West Deptford municipal court criminal charge on your own since failure to succeed will leave you with a record that can effect employment, immigration status or even a professional license. The attorneys at the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall are ready to make sure this does not happen.
Charged With DWI in West Deptford NJ
A ticket for driving while intoxicated (“DWI”) or driving under the influence of drugs (“DUI”) can result in major consequences in accordance with N.J.S.A. 39:4-50. The prosecutor in West Deptford will have to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that your BAC was at least .08% or that you were impaired by alcohol or drugs/cds in order to secure a conviction.
If Judge Killen or another jurist sitting in West Deptford Municipal Court finds you guilty, your drivers license will be suspended for 3-12 months for a first offense, 2 years for a second offense and 1o years for a third offense or greater. You will also face significant financial penalties and 2-90 days in jail for a second offense and 180 days for a third offense.
You clearly need to call our lawyers if you were charged with even a first offense for DWI or DUI in West Deptford.
West Deptword Domestic Violence Charge
An arrest for domestic violence inn West Deptford really has the potential to turn a person’s life upside down. You can face not only a criminal charge for simple assault, harassment or another offense but also the impact of a restraining order that precludes you from returning home, seeing your children or having any contact/communication with the alleged victim.
Hiring a skilled domestic violence defense lawyer can help eliminate the impact of charges or a temporary restraining order. Our attorneys have what it takes in this regard with decades of experience successfully defending clients at final restraining order hearings at Gloucester County Superior Court and other Family Divisions throughout the state. We certainly also have a commensurate level of skill in representing clients arrested for domestic assault and other criminal offenses of this nature.
Arrested for a First, Second, Third or Fourth Degree Crime in West Deptford New Jersey
There were a total of 493 indictable criminal charges filed in West Deptford during the one year period ending June 2018. These are offenses falling within the grade of a first degree, second degree, third degree or fourth degree crime. These are what are commonly referred to as felony crimes in other states.
When someone is charged with a crime of the first, second, third or fourth degree, their case is heard at the Gloucester County Superior Court. The reason why this occurs is because West Deptford Municipal Court lacks jurisdiction to decide an indictable crime such as:
- Burglary
- Aggravated Assault
- Eluding
- Possession of an Illegal Handgun or other Weapon
- Theft by Deception
- Credit Card Theft/Fraud
- Sexual Assault
- Endangering the Welfare of a Child
- Distribution of Drugs or CDS
- Heroin, Cocaine, LSD, MDMA or other Drug Possession Charges (other than marijuana and hasish)
If you were charged with this type of criminal offense, you will need an attorney that is talented in defending charges like yours. A conviction always carries the potential for a state prison sentence and thousands of dollars in fines. You will also be left with a felony criminal record if you lose your case. Hiring a savvy defense lawyer like those at the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall can ensure that this does not occur.
Directions to West Deptford Township Municipal Court
From Interstate 295: Take exist 21-22 toward National Park/Woodbury. In approximately .4 miles, bear left at the fork and follow signs for County Road 640 West. Turn left onto Delaware Street (640W) and then make another quick left onto Crown Point Road (NJ Route 44 South). The municipal complex and court will be to your right.
From US Route 130: same directions as above.
From NJ Turnpike: Take Exit 2 (I-295 N/US-130 N) in Greenwich Township. Merge onto US Route 322 East. Turn left onto Tomlin Station Road. You will then make a right onto Swedesboro Road. Turn right to merge onto Interstate 295 North/US Route 130 North. Follow I-295 N/US-130 N to Friars Boulevard. Make a left from Friars Boulevard onto Grove Street. The destination will be on your right.