A Highly Skilled Former Prosecutor & Accomplished Promoting Prostitution Lawyer Is Available At Our Jersey City Criminal Firm To Discuss Your Arrest in Secaucus, Bayonne, West New York, North Bergen, Jersey City, Harrison, Guttenberg, Union City, Hoboken, Kearny, Weehawken or East Newark
The charge of promoting prostitution is somewhat different from its sister offense of prostitution insofar as it targets those who facilitate the sexual enterprise as opposed to participate in the act itself. Another key distinction is that this violation always results in an indictable felony crime that can only be decided at the Hudson County Superior Court in Jersey City as opposed to being heard in a local municipal court in West New York, Union City, Bayonne, North Bergen or Secaucus. If you were charged with a crime of the second degree, third degree or fourth degree for promoting prostitution in Hudson County, our attorneys can help you avert a conviction, criminal record and the penalties that are otherwise triggered under N.J.S.A. 2C:34-1. It is important that you enlist representation from an attorney with experience dealing with promoting prostitution charges like the members of our firm as they know the best approach for reaching a favorable outcome. In fact, most of the lawyers on our criminal defense team are former prosecutors who have witnessed just how the court system works in these types of cases. To speak to a lawyer in our Jersey City Office, call 201-309-0500.
Charged With Promoting Prostitution in Hudson County
There are seven (7) categories of conduct that can result in a promoting prostitution charge in Hudson County or elsewhere in New Jersey. An individual may be charged and/or indicted for promoting under 2C:34-1 if they:
- Own, manage or control a house or business used for prostitution
- Obtain an inmate for a place of prostitution
- Induct another person to become a prostitute
- Solicit a patron(s) for a prostitute or prostitution enterprise
- Secure a prostitute for another person
- Transport for the purpose of facilitating prostitution
- Lease or otherwise provide property for regular use in prostitution
The severity of a promoting prostitution charge arising in Bayonne, Hoboken, Secaucus, Union City or another local town, also referred to as the degree of offense, depends on the category of conduct committed. It is a third degree crime to own or control a house of prostitution, procure an inmate for prostitution, induce someone to become a prostitute, transport a prostitute or to lease property for regular use in prostitution. Promoting prostitution is a fourth degree crime where the defendant solicits someone to purchase a prostitute or to secure a prostitute for a third party.
Presumptions That Apply Under 2C:34-1. There are certain presumptions that apply under New Jersey Law when it comes to a charge for promoting prostitution. For example, it is presumed that someone knowingly promotes prostitution if all or a substantial part of their support is provided through prostitution.
Promoting Prostitution of Your Child or Someone Under 18 Years Old. Promoting prostitution is enhanced to a first degree crime when the subject is under 18 or the child/ward of the accused.
Penalties for Promoting Prostitution
If someone is convicted for promoting prostitution in Hoboken, Bayonne, Kearny, West New York, Jersey City, Secaucus or another Hudson County municipality, they are exposed to some extremely serious penalties. A fourth degree crime for promoting prostitution results in up to 18 months in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. When promoting prostitution is a third degree crime, the sentence can include up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $15,000. A first degree crime for promoting prostitution carries 10-20 years of incarceration and a fine that can reach $200,000. There is also a special assessment of at least $10,000 but no more than $50,000 for someone who has been convicted of promoting prostitution. If the violation involves promoting prostitution of someone under 18 years old, the assessment must be at least $25,000.
Jersey City Promoting Prostitution Defense Lawyers
The ramifications are clearly significant if you fail to secure an acquittal for promoting prosecution are clearly significant. You therefore need to take the time to find a qualified attorney to handle your charge. We are defense lawyers who have when you are looking for given that we have represented countless individuals charge in Union City, North Bergen, Hoboken, Bayonne and other locations in Hudson County. If you are serious about obtaining the very best result in your prostitution case, we have a lawyer with the tools to secure such an outcome. Attorneys are available now at 201-309-0500 to provide a free consultation.