Monmouth County Restraining Order Defense Lawyer
Being served with a temporary restraining order can send an individual’s life in turmoil. Questions like where will I sleep, how will I see my children, can I get my property, and will I ever be able to get my life back, are but a few that often come to mind. The Monmouth County criminal defense lawyers at the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall have been representing individuals in the local courts for over forty (40) years and can answer all of your questions. A lawyer from the firm will be happy to sit down with you free of charge or to speak to you by telephone 24/7 so that your concerns are address.
Final Restraining Order Hearing
When an individual is initially served with a restraining order, the document sets a return date that the individual must appear before a Monmouth County judge. The proceeding which takes place on that date is referred to as a Final Restraining Order Hearing. The purpose of the hearing is to decide whether or not the temporary restraining order shall become final such that the restraints are permanent in nature. Our attorneys have years of experience in defending men and women at these hearings and in successfully making sure that restraints do not become final.
Restraining Order Violation and/or Criminal Contempt
When allegations are made that a suspect has violated one of the restraints set forth in a temporary or final restraining order, an arrest and criminal complaint typically follows. The criminal complaint which is issued at this time is referred to as a contempt violation. The basis for the complaint is failure to allegedly adhere to the restraints and a conviction on this charge results in a criminal record. A second or subsequent violation results in mandatory jail so it is imperative that all effort is undertaken to make sure an Order is never issued and/or that an initial violation is never found. Every attorney at our office possesses knowledge and experience in appearing in Monmouth County on restraining order violations and is here to make sure that you succeed.
We would be happy to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your restraining order issues. Our lawyers are accessible at all times so you should not hesitate to contact us toll-free at 855-450-8310 if you are in need of assistance.