Westfield New Jersey has an active downtown with many restaurants and bars which contribute to a high amount of DWI charges. Not surprisingly, many of those charged with DUI are caught while driving along North Avenue and South Avenue, the primary roadways to the business district. Irrespective of your being arrested in this context, while attempting to get home from the Westfield train station after drinking in New York City or any other scenario, a skilled DWI attorney will be your best weapon for avoiding serious drunk driving penalties. There are many reasons for this statement including the fact that political favor is not something that will help you in this area of defense as plea bargaining is prohibited. The lawyer you hire will have to possess the tools to persuade the judge in Westfield that the case against you is fatally defective otherwise there is no way for the ticket or summons to be dismissed.
The attorneys at The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall have the qualities that are necessary to escape a finding of guilt. We are the largest DWI firm in the state, have over 100 years of experience, employ several former prosecutors and have a rich history of successfully defending charges under N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 (“Driving while intoxicated”). Our staff also includes Jonathan Marshall, Colin Bonus and William Proetta, all of whom are among less than 10 statewide who are dual certified on the Alcotest and as instructors in Field Sobriety Testing. To speak to an attorney on our staff anytime 24/7, call our Cranford Office at 908-272-1700. Initial consultations are free of charge.
DWI Offense in Westfield Municipal Court
Westfield is 6.74 square miles and almost every DWI offense written within this area is directed to the Westfield Municipal Court for resolution. The only time a drunk driving offense is not handled locally is where the case also involves an indictable crime which must be sent to the Passaic County Superior Court. The municipal court is located at 425 East Broad Street, Westfield, NJ, and the telephone number is 908-789-4060. The judge that presides over all hearings is Honorable Brenda Coppola Cuba. Cases are heard in weekly sessions that are conducted on Wednesday and Thursday at 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. You can contact or visit the court in person between 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on weekdays. Carol Salvaggio is the Court Administrator with Anne Margeotes serving as her Deputy. For directions to the municipal court in Westfield, refer to the interactive google map below.
Westfield NJ DUI Lawyer
Westfield is unquestionably one of the busiest DWI municipalities in Union County. The key for you is to make sure that you do not become a member of the long list of individuals convicted in the town. A DUI lawyer at The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall can help avert an unfavorable outcome by utilizing a unique level of experience and training to attack the charge. We may be able to invalidate the motor vehicle stop, set aside the blood or breath test reading, or poke a hole in the offense in some other manner. Rest assured, we will explore every available defense and make certain that you have every opportunity to move on with your life without a license suspension and other consequences. To speak to one of our attorneys immediately, call 908-272-1700 or fill out our online consultation form.