DWI charges are much more prevalent in Bound Brook than you might anticipate based on its only measuring 1.69 square miles and having 10,402 residents (2010 consensus). There are few characteristics of this borough other than intense drunk driving enforcement to explain how this relative nondescript municipality ranks second in Somerset County almost every year for DUI offenses. Over one-hundred motorist are arrested for drunk driving in Bound Brook annually. If you have been charged with DWI, DUI or Breath Test Refusal in this town, your options are limited. You can either challenge the case on its merits, which is the only way to avert a conviction, or plead guilty and accept the penalties set forth in N.J.S.A. 39:4-50. For those whose objective is the former, retaining a skilled lawyer is a must.
Lawyers With The Qualifications You Need For Success In Bound Brook New Jersey
A mistake that individuals often make in the selection of an attorney is making geographic proximity the determining factor. This is a misguided approach given that plea bargaining is illegal in DWI cases. Escaping a license suspension and other consequences of a DUI can only come from a legitimate defense that renders the charge unsustainable. Our drunk driving attorneys have the qualifications to successfully challenge your Bound Brook DUI. We are the largest DWI firm in New Jersey with several former prosecutors on staff and a team with over 100 years experience. Three of our partners are also certified on the Alcotest and in Standardized Field Sobriety Testing. These credentials are shared by less than ten other lawyers in state despite their being the primary tools utilized by police to prove intoxication. To speak to an attorney about the specifics of your case and receive the benefits of our insight, call our Bridgewater Office at 908-722-1011.
Bound Brook Municipal Court
The Bound Brook Municipal Court is located at 230 Hamilton Street, Bound Brook, NJ 08805. Telephone number for the municipal court is 732-356-0833, extension 640, and it can be reached weekdays between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Court sessions are conducted every Tuesday with first appearances being called at 12:00 p.m., attorney cases at 1:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. for pro se matters. The municipal court judge is Honorable Michael Fedun. Judge Fedun is entrusted with responsibility for deciding all issues that arise in driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol cases. Daily management of the court is the responsibility of the Court Administrator, Valerie Vazquez. The prosecutor is John E. Bruder, Esq.
Bound Brook NJ DUI Lawyer
For anyone charged with DWI in Bound Brook, hiring a knowledgeable attorney is a must. There are many reasons for this statement but the biggest one lies in the fact that there is absolutely no ability to escape a DUI conviction unless you can persuade the court that there is a bona fide defect in the prosecutor’s case which renders the charge unsustainable. A skilled lawyer is an absolute necessity if you want to clear this hurdle. The team of DUI attorneys at The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall have the qualifications to serve you well in this capacity. Call our office in Bridgewater NJ for an immediate free consultation at 908-722-1011 or fill out our online contact form.