There are different rules that apply when someone with a commercial drivers license (“CDL”) is charged with DWI in Clinton, Bernards, Bound Brook, Franklin, Bridgewater or another municipality in New Jersey. The deviation from what would by the norm stems from Federal Motor Carrier Improvement Act which grants an individual the privilege of operating commercial motor vehicles. A component of these guidelines is the establishment of a reduced blood alcohol limit and enhanced penalties for those who commit a violation while operating a commercial vehicle when the violation is committed. The same law also increases the period of suspension for CDL holders found guilty of driving a non-commercial vehicle while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs. If you were arrested for DWI in Franklin, Raritan, Warren, Bedminster or anywhere else and hold a CDL, you definitely need to consult a skilled attorney immediately. The absolute minimum suspension period you face if convicted is one (1) year for a first offense and the consequences escalate further if this is a second or third violation. The lawyers at The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall are some of the most highly trained and experienced in DUI defense that you will find in this state. Call us anytime 24/7 at 908-722-1011 for an immediate free consultation.
Penalties If You Hold A CDL & Are Convicted of DWI or Refusal
As previously stated, special regulations apply to CDL suspects. You face a one year suspension for a first offense and lifetime suspension for second offense irrespective of whether you were operating a commercial vehicle at the time of the offense. The suspension period for refusal to provide a breath or blood sample is three years for a first offense and for life if you are convicted of a second or subsequent offense.
Blood Alcohol Limit While Operating A Commercial Vehicle
There is a lower threshold for “intoxication” when someone is the operator of a commercial motor vehicle. More specifically, operation with a blood alcohol concentration of .04% or higher constitutes CDL DWI. It is important to keep in mind, however, that this limit does not apply if operation involves a non-commercial vehicle. The standard limit of .08% applies to when the commercial motorist is operating a personal vehicle.
Bedminster NJ CDL DWI Lawyers
A major stretch of Interstate 287 runs through Bedminster and this is a significant factor for the number of CDL DWI charges heard in the town. The same is true with respect to Bound Brook, Raritan, Somerville, Bridgewater and Bernards. For anyone facing a DUI or DWI on a license that contains a CDL endorsement, experienced representation is a must. The lawyers on our staff can provide you with an extremely high level of skill in this area of defense. We possess well over 100 years in practice combined, have numerous former prosecutors on staff, and offer several attorneys who are dual certified on the Alcotest and in Standardized Field Sobriety Testing. To discuss the facts surrounding your stop, the roadside investigation and what happened following your arrest call us at 908-722-1011 for immediate assistance. You may also contact us online for the guidance your are seeking.